Life AcuMed Spa


Vanquish is the world's most advanced system for body shaping and circumferential reduction of abdomen, waistline, love handles,  and thighs.  

Vanquish targets the fat layer with RF technology

Vanquish targets the fat layer with RF technology

Hot is the New Cool

Vanquish uses FDA approved technology to selectively deliver heat into adipose tissue and disrupts adipose cells, leading to a reduction in both the volume of fat and the circumference of body part.  Vanquish has the largest spot size in the industry, with no pain, and no downtime with the treatment. The client only feels a comfortable heat at the applied site.

Heat Different, Treat Different

The Vanquish system uses RF technology to target only the adipose tissues of the targeted area.  Frequencies are adapted to each individual client to best match their adipose tissue. By specifically targeting the adipose, this maximizes the reduction of the fat layer. 

During a session

During a session

After a session

After a session

Look and Feel Different

The treatment protocol is usually 4 sessions, a week apart. Each session is 30-45 minutes long, with the client experiencing a comfortable heat from the applicator.  To maximize the effects of the treatment, it is highly recommended to increase your water intake so that your body can efficiently metabolize the fat.  You may experience some redness at the application area, and that will resolve within a few minutes to a few hours after the session. You may see results as soon as the first treatment, and will see the maximum results after 2-3 weeks after the final session.  


The Vanquish system works best for people who are already living a healthy life style and is looking to optimize their body.

In a Traditional Chinese Medicine point of view

Heat has a magical therapeutic application in TCM.  Heat can invigorate the body, and help the body nourish itself.

The Vanquish system can specifically:

  • Promote Qi and Blood circulation of the application site and underlying tissues.
  • Warms the abdomen,
    • Leading to a more regular menses, reducing menstrual cramping
    • May help improve the fertility of the female reproductive system
    • May prevent abnormal growths which often occur in a cold abdomen
  • May help with muscle regeneration after injury to improve muscle tone and function.
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